Classmate Memorials **
BIRTH: July 15, 1950 - Fort Dodge IA DEATH: January 8, 1976 - Des Moines IA GRADE SCHOOL: |
Funeral service for Paul F. Willey of Livermore, 25, will be held at 1:30 p.m. today (Monday) in the Immanuel Lutheran Church with the Rev. Michael Klafehn officiating. Burial will be in Union Cemetery with Wilsons of Livermore in charge of the arrangements. Military graveside rites will be conducted by Otto Field Post 415 of the American Legion at Livermore. Honorary bearers will be members of the Livermore Jaycees. Casket bearers are Roger Clark, Alvin Bormann, Gary Meyers, Andy Booheister, Steve Johnson, and Rick Davis. Born at Fort Dodge July 15, 1950 Paul was a son of Harold and Evelyn Quick Willey. He attended school in Fort Dodge and after moving to Livermore with his family, he graduated in 1969 from Twin Rivers High School at Bode. He attended Iowa Central Community College at Fort Dodge for a year, then enlisted in the navy. He served four years with the Seabees in California and Adak, Alaska. Following his discharge from the Navy, he was service representative with the Allis Chalmers Co. for a time before joining the Carroll Implement in LuVerne where he was a mechanic. Paul was not married. While checking his trap line about 8 a.m. Sunday. Jim Terwilliger of Livermore found Willey lying on the ice of the East Des Moines River near Livermore. Paul was taken to Veterans Hospital in Des Moines where he died Thursday morning. Authorities determined that Willey had been snowmobiling the night before and while towing his machine on a trailer behind his father's jeep, apparently lost control on an icy curve and struck the railroad bridge on the county blacktop northeast of town. Willey was thrown onto the ice where he lay for about five or six hours in below zero temperatures before he was found. He is survived by his parents, Harold and Evelyn Willey who live at Livermore; three brothers and a sister; Douglas and John, both of Fort Dodge; Richard, Livermore and Joyce, Mrs. Virgil Young, Houston, Texas. Two grandmothers, Mrs. Printhea Quick and Mrs. Belle Willey, both of Fort Dodge, also survive. Paul was a member of the Immanuel Lutheran Church, American Legion, various Citizens Ban Radio Clubs of Iowa and was Charter member and Charter President of the Livermore Jaycees. He was also an avid bowler. Friends may call at the funeral home until 11:30 a.m. Monday, and then at the church. |
NOTE: Paul went all through school in Fort Dodge and left during our senior year when his family moved to Livermore. He ended up graduating from Twin Rivers Bode. Since he was our friend, went to school with us and already had his Senior Picture in our yearbook,- we have included him as a member of our class. "Once a DODGER - Always a DODGER" |
To visit Paul's "Find A Grave Memorial Page" - CLICK below
We strive to make all of our Class Memorials as complete as possible. If you are able to supply any missing information for the above memorial, we would greatly appreciate you emailing us through the link below. Thank you very much. |