Classmate Memorials **
BIRTH: September 29, 1950 - Fort Dodge IA DEATH December 8, 2010 - Fort Dodge IA SPOUSE: CHILDREN: GRADE SCHOOL: |
Funeral services will be held 11:00 a.m. Wednesday December 8, 2010 in the
Patricia A. Trusty was born on September 29, 1950, in Fort Dodge. She attended parochial schools at a young age and later graduated from Fort Dodge Senior High School. She was a lifelong resident of Fort Dodge. Patty was employed in the Floral Business which included working at the Cottage, Palmer Keepsakes and at Becker Florists as a designer. She loved her Boston Terriers, enjoyed interior decorating and painting. She will be deeply |
To visit Pat's "Find A Grave Memorial Page" - CLICK below
We strive to make all of our Class Memorials as complete as possible. If you are able to supply any missing information for the above memorial, we would greatly appreciate you emailing us through the link below. Thank you very much. |